Ebody Weekly News

The Ebody is a weekly email with information about formal YSC events, updates, and encouragements for the week. If you'd like to receive the Ebody, let us know here. We promise not to spam you!

April 15, 2024
Hope you all have been enjoying the wonderful weather! Seeing the sun out has reminded me of this psalm, so I thought I'd share it with you all. 

- Kwaku
Psalm 19:1-6
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
5 It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
    like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6 It rises at one end of the heavens
    and makes its circuit to the other;
    nothing is deprived of its warmth.

Thursday Night Together
Thursday, April 18 at 8:00pm | Dwight Common Room on Old Campus

As we rapidly approach the end of the semester and look towards transitioning into the summer, it would be good for us to slow down and intentionally be in community; to hear each other's thoughts, prayer requests, and share in each others burdens. 

So join us for TNT this Thursday, as we gather for large group sharing! A chance to meet as a body, hear the things on each others' hearts and minds, share thoughts we might be wondering about, and encourage each other with Scripture and prayer! We'll gather at 8pm at the Dwight Hall Common Room. This is the penultimate TNT for the year, so don't miss it!

We'll be meeting at 8pm in Dwight Common Room. Hope to see you all there! 

Bulldog Days: This Week!
Monday-Wednesday, April 15-17; Saturday, April 20

It's almost that time of year again! Later this semester, Yale will be hosting it's admitted students days. YSC will be hosting some events over the week and on Saturday, where they can meet current upperclassmen to hear what other Christians have experienced here at Yale, and ask any questions they might have as they decide or prepare to come! 

One of our main events will be an ice cream social, called "
Being a Christian at Yale". It'll be in Dwight Hall Library, on Tuesday, April 16 from 8–9pm (tomorrow)! We hope that some of you will join us for this event, get to know some of the prefrosh, and share about your walk with God at Yale. 

Ultimately, the hope is to encourage and welcome prefrosh, and come alongside them as they make decisions about not just where they'll go to college, but how they will spend their time and pursue relationships with God and Christian community. Instead of the event being YSC-centric, we hope that the body of Christ would be built up and encouraged, wherever students decide to land in the Fall! 


Volleyball & Soccer Friday
Fridays from 2pm-5pm

Volleyball Fridays are back! And this time we're bringing soccer too! We'll be setting up volleyball nets and soccer goals on Old Campus from about 2pm until 5:00pm! It will be a good chance to have some fun, enjoy the nicer weather, and engage people on old campus! We'll have some snacks and drinks available as well. Invite your friends!

Next Year Survey: Fill out by next week!!!

As you all are making plans for summer and next fall, we as YSC also start establishing vision and structure for next year -- for small groups, TNTs, ministry teams, ways to serve, etc. We love to hear from students what God is teaching you and putting on your hearts and minds as we move forward as a body. We hold our organizational structure loosely, wanting to be flexible and adapt to how the Spirit of God leads, the resources he provides, and the concerns he lays before us. Therefore, we'd love to hear from you, and especially get a sense of what you as students may be interested in to serve the body or be trained in ministry. 

Here's a link to the google form survey: https://tinyurl.com/YSCNextYear2024

End of Year Picnic: Sign up ASAP
Monday, April 29 | 11am -2:30pm |Killam's Point, CT

Towards the end of the semester, it often feels like a sprint to the end, finishing finals, making summer plans, and even looking towards the fall. However, there is a goodness to pausing in the midst of the rush, reflecting on the year, celebrating what the Lord has done in our lives individually and as a community, and entering the summer looking to the Lord and His faithfulness.

This will also be a time to celebrate our beloved seniors, sending them off for their future endeavors beyond Yale!

Rides will be provided! We will meet outside Payne Whitney Gym at 11am and go together to Killam's Point to spend the afternoon together!

Please RSVP so we have an idea of how many people will be joining us

Summer In New Haven
June 7 to July 20

We are looking to assemble a team of students to commit to a six-week stretch of intentional spiritual community and ministry. Each participant will have a “regular" full-time commitment (in-person or remote work, internship, lab, research, summer school, etc.), on top of which we will layer elements of community building, discipleship, ministry training and Scripture study. We will also organize and host regular outreach events, both on campus or in surrounding neighborhoods. The project is designed to equip everyone for a lifetime of communal and ministry intentionality. 

If you think you'll be around for any part of the summer, and would like to be involved, please let us know here.

Small Groups

Small groups—FYGs (first-year groups), sophomore discipleship groups, junior group and senior group—meet weekly. If you haven't been plugged into a small group and would like to be, email sarah.guan@yale.edu and she’ll get you connected.

YSC Facebook page
YSC Website
YSC YouTube Channel
Yale Students for Christ: Living out faith, hope and love in our campus, city and world.
For more information, go to 
yalestudentsforchrist.org, or email staff@yalestudentsforchrist.org.

To unsubscribe, email kwaku.acquah@yale.edu.